Language-learning opportunities for Ukrainian war refugees

The Integration Foundation and our Estonian Language Houses are preparing opportunities for the refugees who have arrived from Ukraine to learn Estonian on a basic level and offer counselling in language learning as well as adapting.

A1-level Estonian courses and adaptation programme for the recipients of temporary protection

The recipients of temporary protection must complete an A1-level Estonian course of at least 100 academic hours. The opportunity to participate in the course will arise in the summer of 2022; at the moment, preparations are still ongoing to host the courses.

It is possible to sign up for Estonian courses after having received a residence permit on the basis of temporary protection and the Police and Border Guard Board have notified the recipient by email regarding the opportunity to participate in language learning (an invitation with instructions and a link). After this, it is possible to sign up for language learning independently on the website

In addition to teaching Estonian at the A1 level, the state will begin offering a one-day adaptation programme to the recipients of temporary protection in the beginning of summer. A corresponding notification will be sent by the Police and Border Guard Board, after which it will be possible to sign up on the page

Independent language learning

It is possible to learn Estonian independently with the aid of various free portals and applications, this info has been aggregated on the website of the Integration Foundation

Support for independent language learning in Estonian language houses

The teachers at Estonian Language Houses will offer web-based support to those Ukrainian war refugees who have started their Estonian studies independently and are in need of practical advice and guidance with planning language learning, helpful materials, language-learning techniques, and creating a language environment.

The teachers will introduce the possibilities and materials of independent language studies and will answer the questions that have arisen during independent studies.

The meeting will be held over Zoom, the duration will be 60 minutes. The number of participants in one meeting will be up to 10.

  • In April 2022: Wed. (13 April, 20 April, 27 April) from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • In May 2022: Tue. (3 May, 10 May, 17 May, 24 May, 31 May) from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., and Wed. (4 May, 11 May, 18 May, 25 May) from 11 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
  • In June 2022: Tue. (7 June, 14 June, 21 June) from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.


To receive support in independent language learning, call the Integration Foundation’s counsellors at +372 800 9999 or contact them by email: [email protected].

Counselling in language learning and adaptation

The Integration Foundation will offer free counselling to adults wishing to learn and practise Estonian and will help choose the most suitable opportunities for language learning and language practice. Additionally, the advisors will offer instructions and advice regarding other topics related to adaptation and integration. Recipients of temporary protection are also welcome to receive counselling.

To sign up for counselling, it is required to contact us by email at [email protected] or by calling us on the free number +372 800 9999 (when calling from abroad, call +372 659 9025). We will conduct consultations both directly and through virtual channels (Skype, Zoom, Teams).

Additional information and contacts for war refugees

The Estonian state offers a safe place to stay, education, support in finding work, and various other services to the Ukrainian citizens and their family members who have fled the war. The related info is available at and in the information pamphlet.

General practical information about life in Estonia can also be found at the subpage

Additionally, fresh and continually supplemented practical information related to the arrival of war refugees in Estonia can be found on the Police and Border Guard Board’s page

Information for the Ukrainian war refugees arrived in Tallinn can be found on the page