When does registration for free Estonian language courses take place?

Registration for the language courses organised by the Integration Foundation takes place two timesa year. All rounds  of registration are announced ahead of time on the foundation’s website and Facebook page, and via the media.

What other options for learning Estonian does the state offer?

  • The Ministry of Social Affairs, via the Unemployment Insurance Fund, offers those who have lost their jobs the opportunity to study the language up to the level required for work

  • Since 1 May 2017 the Unemployment Insurance Fund has also been offering Estonian language courses to working people so as to support them in acquiring the skills they need.
  • As part of the adaptation programme, free courses are also offered by the Ministry of Social Affairs to those who have been issued with a temporary residence permit for Estonia. The content of the course is equivalent to the A1 level. See: https://www.settleinestonia.ee/mod/page/view.php?id=116&lang=en
  • The Innove foundation has developed a programme for the reimbursement of the language-learning costs of those who are prepared to pay for courses themselves: upon passing their final exam, they then have part of the cost of their studies compensated. Costs are also reimbursed for those applying for Estonian citizenship; those required to take a proficiency exam by the Language Inspectorate; and those unable to apply for compensation on the basis of the Citizenship or Language Acts but who pass an Estonian exam at the A2, B1, B2 or C1 levels.